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- The Inauguration & Interview with the Project Lead
- Final Preparations!
- An internal road network & land rejuvenation
- The Factory is Coming Together!
- “The opportunity of a positive impact”
- Cold storage and more
- Interview with Elvis
- Testing our first E-Trycicle
- Laying of bricks
- We have a roof
- Personal note from Mira
- Standing steel structure
- Factory foundation finished
- Water, a valuable resource
- Our challenges
- Added value for farmers
- Let’s start building? Not so fast.
- Soil testing with Elvis
- Groundbreaking!
- Where to build our new factory?
- Buying land in Ghana
- Visualising the factory
Testing our first E-Trycicle
Solar energy has played a critical role in enabling Koa’s success in extracting the so-far discarded cocoa fruit. The use of renewable energy and the greenification of our value chain and the wider cocoa industry still remains important aspiration for our company.
We are therefore very excited to finally test our first e-tricycle in Ghana.
Tricycles or Aboboyaa as they are typically called in Ghana are a common type of transportation for goods and people in rural landscapes. We partnered up with another start-up that has the mission to bring e-mobility to rural Africa and offered to test their first prototype.
Due to Koa’s decentralised value chain and close collaboration with smallholder farmers, tricycles are heavily used on a daily basis for transporting cocoa pulp and beans from farms to communities. On average, Koa’s tricycles drive a total of 50km every day on very rough road conditions with up to 600kg of load per trip. This is the perfect testing ground for the new electrified tricycle to see how it compares to conventional fuel-based vehicles.
This is just the first step in bringing e-mobility to rural Africa. Together with our partner, we aim to organise a wider pilot project and are actively looking for grants to help us finance this side project. Reach out to us at if you are interested to learn more!